Monday, May 13, 2019

Free Download Lime Player  1.0.8

Free Download Lime Player 1.0.8

Download Lime Player 1.0.8 For Free

Lime Player is a video player for Android devices compatible with the vast majority of formats including high-definition and high-resolution formats

If you're not entirely satisfied with the native Android video player, then we recommend you to use Lime Player. With this application, you'll be able to make use of different options to watch your videos and also listen to your music collection on Android.

Application Details

  • Name : Lime Player
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.0.8
  • License : FREE
  • Developer : Lime Player Team
It's an app to play multimedia files with a rather plain design but with functions that offer us plenty of versatility when it comes to opening any media file, even high-definition videos. These are the main features offered:

However, despite being a decent application within its category, regarding other applications of the likes of VLC it has an important drawback: we're going to have to put up with quite a few adverts which is possibly not a very good idea for those of you who can't stand interfaces full of ads.

If you're not entirely satisfied with the native Android video player, then we recommend you to use Lime Player. With this application, you'll be able to make use of different options to watch your videos and also listen to your music collection on Android. An advanced video player for mobile phones It's an app to play multimedia files with a rather plain design but with functions that offer us plenty of versatility when it comes to opening any media file, even high-definition videos. These are the main features offered: Compatible with the vast majority of video files, including HD. Support for Chromecast. Compatible with subtitle files. Explore your folders and access thumbnails of your files. Listen to audio files in different formats. Enter URLs to watch files online. However, despite being a decent application within its category, regarding other applications of the likes of VLC it has an important drawback: we're going to have to put up with quite a few adverts which is possibly not a very good idea for those of you who can't stand interfaces full of ads.
If you're looking for the latest version of Lime Player for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Lime Player for FREE direct download original file, scanned application, complete with antivirus result. Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1..

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